The 13th International Symposium for Commemoration of the 25th Anniversary of Suyanggae Excavation: Suyanggae and her Neighbours in Kyushu

By Lee, Yung-jo et al. (editors)

SKU# 17587

$ 38.00

Pp. 228; 32 color photos, 6 full page black-and-white plates, numerous text-figures (line-drawings of artifacts, black-and-white photos of artifacts, maps, charts).  Original color pictorial stiff wrappers, lettered in black on the spine and front cover, sm 4to.  Suyanggae is the largest prehistoric site in Korea.  This volume presents the results of a symposium commemorating the 25th Anniversary of Suyanggae Excavation entitled “Suyanggae and her Neighbours in Kyushu” held at the Suyanggae Prehistory Museum on December 5-10, 2008.  The papers presented were divided into two sessions: Session I – Paleolithic Archaeology from a World-Wide View; and Session II – Trends and Issues on Studies of Paleolithic Culture in Korea and Japan.  The volume contains 19 chapters by noted international authorities; all papers are in English.  The volume is inscribed by Yung-jo Lee, the senior editor, on the front endpaper.

Publisher Institute of Korean Prehistory
Publisher Place Danyang Country Office
Date Published 2008
Date Published Estimated No
Edition First edition
Number of Volumes 1
Reprint No
Condition Fine
Condition Description A bright and clean copy in fine condition.
Limited Edition