Endless Forms: Species and Speciation
By Howard, Daniel J and Berlocher, Stewart H. (editors)
SKU# 15701
Pp. xii, 470; numerous text-figures (charts, diagrams and maps). Publisher's original dark blue cloth, lettered in silver on the spine and the front cover, lg 8vo. This is the hardcover first edition published by Oxford University Press. This edited volume presents 23 papers by 55 noted authorities in the field. Here is a sampling of twelve of those chapters: 1. Origins: A Brief History of Research on Speciation by Stewart H. Berlocher. 2. Linking Evolutionary Pattern and Process: The Relevance of Species Concepts for the Study of Speciation by Richard G. Harrison. 3. Species and Speciation: Geography, Population Structure, Ecology, and Gene Trees by Alan R. Templeton. 4. Species and the Diversity of Natural Groups by Kerry L. Shaw. 5. The General Lineage Concept of Species, Species Criteria, and the Process of Speciation: A Conceptual Unification and Terminological Recommendations by Kevin de Queiroz. 6. Theory and Models of Sympatric Speciation by Paul A. Johnson and Urban Gullberg. 7. On the Sympatric Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection by Alexey S. Kondrashov, Lev Yu. Yampolsky, and Svetlana A. Shabalina. 8. Can Sympatric Speciation via Host of Habitat Shift be Proven from Phylogenetic and Biogeographic Evidence? by Steward H. Berlocher. 9. Ecological Causes of Speciation by Dolph Schluter. 11. Evolution of Insect-Plant Associations: Sensory Perception and Receptor Modifications Direct Food Specialization and Host Shifts in Phytophagous Insects by Steph B. J. Menkin and P. Roessignh. 12. The Evolution of Edaphic Endemics by Mark R. Macnair and Mike Gardner and 13. The Relative Rate of Sympatric and Allopatric Speciation in Fishes: Tests Using DNA Sequence Divergence between Sister Species and among Clades by Amy R. McCune and Nathan R. Lovejoy. Small signature of former owner on the front endpaper.
Publisher | Oxford University Press |
Publisher Place | New York |
Date Published | 1998 |
Date Published Estimated | No |
Edition | First edition |
Number of Volumes | 1 |
Reprint | No |
Condition | Fine |
Condition Description | A fine (new) copy. |
ISBN | |
Limited Edition |