Major topics in primate and human evolution
By Wood, B, Martin, L. and Andrews, P. (editors)
SKU# 18187
Pp. (10), 1-364; numerous text-figures (line-drawings, photos, cladograms and phylogenies). Publisher’s original pictorial white cloth, lettered in black and gray, lg 8vo. This volume is based on two symposia held in Great Britain in the mid-1980s. This work includes 18 papers: R.D. Martin: Primates: A Definition; P.D. Gingerich: Plesiadapis and the Delineation of the Order Primates; L.C. Aiello: The Relationships of the Tarssiiformes: A Review of the Case for the Haplorhini; A.L. Rosenberger: Platyrrhines, Catarrhines and the Anthropoid Transition; P.M. Butler: Problems of Dental Evolution in the Higher Primates; P. Andrews: Molecular Evidence for Catarrhine Evolution; J.G. Fleagle: The Fossil Record of Early Catarrhine Evolution; M.J. Bishop and A.E. Friday: Molecular Sequences and Hominoid Phylogeny; M. Ruvolo and D. Pilbeam: Hominoid Evolution: Molecular and Palaeontological Patterns; L. Martin: Relationships Among Extant and Extinct Great Apes and Humans; M.H. Day: Bipedalism: Pressures, Origins and Modes; W.L. Jungers and F.E. Grine; Dental Trends in the Australopithecines: The Allometry of Mandibular Molar Dimensions; B.A. Wood and A.T. Chamberlain: Australopithecus: Grade or Clade?; M.C. Dean: Homo and Paranthropus: Similarities in the Cranial Base and Developing Dentition; C.B. Stringer: The Credibility of Homo habilis; A. Bilsborough and B.A. Wood: The Origin and Fate of Homo erectus; J.S. Jones: The Origin of Homo sapiens: The Genetic Evidence; D.R. Pilbeam: The Origin of Homo sapiens: The Fossil Evidence. Inscribed on the front endpaper by one of the co-authors. No other ownership marks.
Publisher | Cambridge University Press |
Publisher Place | Cambridge, UK |
Date Published | 1986 |
Date Published Estimated | No |
Edition | First edition |
Number of Volumes | 1 |
Reprint | No |
Condition | Near fine |
Condition Description | A bright and clean copy in near fine condition. |
ISBN | 0-521-30700-7 |
Limited Edition |